2023 was a busy year for Apsilon. After his first own headline tour, including a sold-out Huxley’s in Berlin, he played a second tour together with rapper Wa22ermann. The highlight: all the concerts were free, outside and with fellow artists. Six cities and over 10,000 visitors later, the rapper from Berlin-Moabit announced his second tour with nine stops in Stuttgart, Zurich, Bremen, Cologne, Hamburg, Leipzig, Frankfurt am Main, Munich, Vienna and Berlin for November 2024.
But despite all the changes brought about by his life as a musician, he remains true to his home in Moabit. This is where he learnt what it means to grow up in Germany as the son of Turkish parents and immigrant workers. He processes all the pain and hostility he experienced here in his music and brings it to the stage. Musically, Apsilon takes the next step with his new song »Baba«, produced by his brother Arman and Bazzazian. The instrumental leaves enough room for Apsilon’s honesty – a ballad without kitsch.