»Von Herzen – möge es wieder – Zu Herzen gehen«
Dedication on the manuscript of the »Missa solemnis«
Circle of Friends
Since its foundation in 2016, the »Freundeskreis Beethovenfest Bonn e. V.« has been supporting and promoting the festival in order to realise extraordinary concerts and artistic projects. In this way, our circle of friends actively contributes to expanding Bonn’s importance as a Beethoven city.
You too can support Beethovenfest Bonn and its artistic vision!
Contact & donations
Barbara Stach
e-Mail: freundeskreis@beethovenfest.de
Freundeskreis Beethovenfest Bonn e. V.
c/o Deutsche Welle
Kurt-Schumacher-Straße 3
53113 Bonn
Donation account:
Sparkasse Köln Bonn
IBAN DE 47 3705 0198 1933 4739 91
Fabian Müller, 1st chairman
Dr. Andreas Rohde, treasurer