»I sat down by melting glaciers, by dried-up rivers... It was a very challenging project to play Bach’s music there in such a way that it is beautiful, but you also feel: everything is no longer in order.«

Cellist Tanja Tetzlaff believes in the power of music to shake us up and give us hope in the face of climate change. For her new film »Suites for a Wounded World« she took her cello to climate disaster areas. She will show the film at Beethovenfest as part of the Endenich district festival on 10 September.
In our podcast bee.contemporary, she talks with artistic director Steven Walter about her commitment to a liveable future and tells us what it was like growing up as the sister of violinist Christian Tetzlaff, who is seven years older than her.
bee.contemporary is a podcasts by Beethovenfest Bonn. We invite guests from the areas of music, culture and society to talk to us about new artistic projects and contemporary discourse.