»I think the audience always is intelligent and it always understands on a subconscious level – this has little to do with knowledge, but more with a return to intuition. Because music is something quite physical that draws on something archaic.«

Amadeus Wiesensee is a pianist with a degree in philsophy who founded a piano trio during lockdown: together with violinist Moritz Ter-Nedden and cellist Simone Drescher, Trio Solaris was established, an ensemble that had its debut at Beethovenfest 2022. In the podcast, Wiesensee talks with Beethovenfest director Steven Walter about the way New Music (for instance the piano trio »Phantasmagoria« by Bent Sørensen) resonates with immediate experiences of the human condition. Listen to learn how the thoughtful musician preserves his curiosity and how the name Solaris relates to the subconscious.

bee.contemporary is a podcasts by Beethovenfest Bonn. We invite guests from the areas of music, culture and society to talk to us about new artistic projects and contemporary debates.