5.9.-3.10. 2024

Vox Luminis
© Tom Blaton

Vox Luminis saw the light of day 15 years ago. Today, the ensemble is regarded as a real ray of hope in the world of Early Music! The founding impulse came from Lionel Meunier, bass voice and key figure in Vox Luminis. Reaching the light through music – that is the ultimate goal. The ensemble releases an average of two albums a year and gives more than 60 concerts worldwide.

The line-up of the soloists ensemble varies depending on the repertoire. The core formed at the Royal Conservatory of The Hague is supplemented by basso continuo instruments, additional musicians or a full orchestra. Vox Luminis concentrates mainly on the English, Italian and German repertoire from the 16th to 18th centuries. A significant feature of the ensemble is the coherence of the vocal sounds, which is enhanced by the personality and individual quality of the singers. The recording of Heinrich Schütz’s »Musicalische Exequien« was honoured with a Gramophone Award in 2012, and in 2018 the ensemble received the BBC Music Magazine Award in the »Choral Award Winner« category for the recording »Luther and the Music of the Reformation«. Another Gramophone Award followed in 2019 for the recording of Buxtehude’s »Abendmusiken« with Ensemble Masques and Oliver Fortin.

Vox Luminis is supported by the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, the City of Namur, Namur Confluent Culture and the Walloon concert subsidy Art et Vie Tours.

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