5.9.-3.10. 2024

Frames Percussion
© Ana Madrid

FRAMES Percussion, an ensemble dedicated to the newly created repertoire, represents the talent and commitment to the music of its time. Formed by a new generation of percussionists from Spain, the group was born with the intention of presenting the most unique and innovative proposals, which include the most demanding works in the current repertoire, with maximum preparation and maximum respect for new compositional languages.

The impact of its presentation in 2014 has led the group to quickly become one of the main references in the interpretation of new music in Spain. Linked in its beginnings to Joventuts Musicals de Catalunya and the ESMUC, the group maintains a close relationship with L’Auditori de Barcelona. In addition, it has participated in avantgarde festivals like the Mixtur Festival, Seismograph Olot, MUTEK Barcelona, VANG Madrid, Festival Riverrun d'Albi, Festival GREC Barcelona and CNDM Madrid, among others.

In the field of performing arts, FRAMES Percussion are responsible for the design and interpretation of the music of the show »5,100 (m/s)« (2021) by Joan Català and »Desert« (2022) by Albert Quesada. In addition, they have also created the pedagogical show »Out of the [CAGE]« (2020), commissioned by the Auditori Educational Service.

The FRAMES repertoire includes iconic works from the percussion ensemble repertoire and premieres by composers such as Luis Codera Puzo, Núria Giménez-Comas and Sirah Martínez, Alberto Bernal, Meriel Price, Yukiko Watanabe, Cathy van Eck, Ruud Roelofsen, Montserrat Lladó, Manuel Rodríguez-Valenzuela and Pablo Carrascosa.

FRAMES Percussion have been supported by several foundations, most notably the prestigious Ernst von Siemens Foundation (ensemble prize 2022). The same year they released their first album, the recording of David Lang’s »The so-called laws of nature« with the Neu Records label, and Elena Rykova’s »Silenced« with the Phonos Netlabel label.

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