»Almost every bar by Beethoven is an expression of his whish to make the world a better place, or at least to say that the world can be well.«

Fabian Müller grew up in Bonn and is rooted in this city. He also regularly performs at Beethovenfest Bonn – in the coming festival 2023 as artist in residence. Artistic director Steven Walter invited him to his home for a live recording session on the festival podcast. Fabian Müller talks about his career as pianist and conductor, about his secret passion for gaming and his personal relationship with Bonn.
bee.contemporary is the discussion podcast of Beethovenfest Bonn. Here we invite guests from the worlds of music, culture and society to talk to us about current artistic projects and contemporary discourse.

Fabian Müller’s residency at Beethovenfest Bonn 2023
, Opera Bonn
Beethoven & Bruckner
OrchestraTonhalle-Orchester Zürich, Fabian Müller, Paavo Järvi
Beethoven, Bruckner