5.9.-3.10. 2024

NDR Vokalensemble
© Marius Engels I NDR

The NDR Vokalensemble stands for vocal ensemble excellence. A cappella works from the Renaissance to the modern era constitute the artistic essence of the ensemble. Richly nuanced timbres and sensitive awareness of the styles of various musical epochs characterise the work of the NDR Vokalensemble (formerly the NDR Choir). Its musical scope is clearly reflected in the subscription series founded in 2009: extending from a cappella concerts to oratorios with orchestra, from the Baroque and Romantic periods to the present day, the ensemble’s musical reach is wide.

Klaas Stok, who hails from the Netherlands, has served as Chief Conductor of the NDR Vokalensemble since the 2018/19 season. As a regular partner of the NDR (Northern German Broadcasting) orchestras and concert series, the NDR Vokalensemble frequently collaborates with other orchestras of the ARD (German Broadcasting Consortium) and leading ensembles of Early and New Music, as well as with international symphony orchestras. Conductors such as Daniel Barenboim, Paul Hillier, Mariss Jansons, Paavo Järvi, Andris Nelsons and Sir Roger Norrington have been a source of artistic inspiration for the ensemble.

The NDR Vocal Ensemble is a regular guest at festivals such as the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival, the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Festival, the Göttingen International Handel Festival, the Festival Anima Mundi in Pisa and international concert halls such as the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées in Paris. Selected concerts are broadcast within the European Broadcasting Union or released on CDs.

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